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Trustee Board & governance structure

Information about RCR’s governance structure including the Trustee Board and its committees.

Under the College's Royal Charter, the Trustee Board is responsible for the management and administration of the College. It appoves the College's strategy, the annual budget and the annual accounts, and is responsible for reviewing and managing risk. The Trustee Board has oversight of all major cross-College projects and activities.

Policy and strategic leadership for the two specialties of the College – Clinical Oncology and Clinical Radiology – are agreed by the appropriate Faculty Leadership Team.

The eight Honorary Officers of the College serve on the Trustee Board, including the President who chairs it. In addition, there is a lay Treasurer and up to three further lay members. The Honorary Officers and lay members all serve as Trustees of the College as a registered charity.

The RCR's Constitution allows for scrutiny and constructive challenge of its strategic leadership by Council and the two Faculty Boards.

Our boards and committees

Trustee Board

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We are The Royal College of Radiologists – the leading professional membership body for clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists, supporting doctors throughout their career so that they can make a real difference.

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