Our specialties
The Royal College of Radiologists supports excellence in medical imaging and cancer knowledge, treatment and care.
We collaborate with our members and external parties from across the medical industry, refining the latest research and guidelines into relevant applications for that can educate and support radiologists and oncologists effectively throughout their career. In turn, input from our members, through academic contributions, professional consultation and mentorship, drives the College forward.
Both our faculties work to promote clinical oncology and clinical radiology on a wide platform of activities, setting standards for entry and practise, and leading and supporting clinicians during their careers. This work is developed by and with members and Fellows of the College and close collaborative working with other professional bodies, the public and patients.
Clinical radiology
These key principles, approved by the PSSB and Faculty Board, are to be used as a framework for the activities of the Faculty and specifically in relation to the development of advice and guidance as regards the work of the PSSB.

Clinical oncology
We have set out a blueprint for the future of clinical oncology over the next decade: Clinical Oncology – the future shape of the specialty, as well as the workforce that will be needed to deliver future services: Clinical oncology workforce: the case for expansion.

Discover our professions

Why become a member?
Welcome to a global community of like-minded peers and professionals to learn from and network with.
Our members across the globe provide you with an endless network. We support nations to organise and host internationally-recognised conferences and scientific meetings to share best practice and results of research, as well as hosting our own, driving forward improvement and innovation.
Supporting ongoing career development through advice, resources and a comprehensive, high-quality CPD scheme.
We host a huge library of resources, guidance and learning tools including our Continuing Professional Development scheme. We also support professional standards for your specialty by monitoring job descriptions, advising on appointments and establishing best practice guidance, and provide the infrastructure to support specialty training.
We are your voice across the globe, advocating for your needs as clinicians.
We collect workforce data and lobby on workforce issues on your behalf, proactively approaching the UK governments and independent healthcare providers on oncology and radiology issues.
We advise the NHS, the independent sector, global bodies, government and the public on best practice, professional standards and care, propelled by the work of our Fellows and members.
Welcome to a global community of like-minded peers and professionals to learn from and network with.
Our members across the globe provide you with an endless network. We support nations to organise and host internationally-recognised conferences and scientific meetings to share best practice and results of research, as well as hosting our own, driving forward improvement and innovation.
Supporting ongoing career development through advice, resources and a comprehensive, high-quality CPD scheme.
We host a huge library of resources, guidance and learning tools including our Continuing Professional Development scheme. We also support professional standards for your specialty by monitoring job descriptions, advising on appointments and establishing best practice guidance, and provide the infrastructure to support specialty training.
We are your voice across the globe, advocating for your needs as clinicians.
We collect workforce data and lobby on workforce issues on your behalf, proactively approaching the UK governments and independent healthcare providers on oncology and radiology issues.
We advise the NHS, the independent sector, global bodies, government and the public on best practice, professional standards and care, propelled by the work of our Fellows and members.
Become a member today
With over 17,000 Fellows and members worldwide, The Royal College of Radiologists exists to lead, educate and support doctors who are training and working in the specialties of clinical oncology and clinical radiology. With such a broad perspective on our two specialties, we develop and deliver a unique body of work which could not be undertaken by any other organisation.
Supporting you throughout your career
The Royal College of Radiologists leads, educates and supports doctors who are training and working in the specialities of clinical oncology and clinical radiology.