Out of Programme Activities (OOPE, OOPR and OOPT)
- Out of Programme Experience (OOPE): any out of programme activity that is not to be counted towards the trainee's CCT.
- Out of Programme Research (OOPR): a period of research from which the trainee may receive partial credit towards their CCT.
- Out of Programme Training (OOPT): a period of training undertaken outside the trainee's own training programme that is to be counted (whether partially or in its entirety) towards their CCT. OOPT includes secondment to another training programme, a Fellowship post (whether in the UK or abroad) and "acting up" as a consultant that is undertaken outside of the trainee's training programme. Trainees "acting up" at a location within their home training programme do not need to apply for approval.
Trainees may also consider taking a break in their training. Whist this is not technically an activity, for clarity it is described as an "Out Of Programme Career Break" (OOPC). Breaks of this nature should be notified to the Training Team at the College through submission of a completed RCR OOP form. The College will then revise the trainee's expected CCT date.
A trainee who is considering undertaking any sort of OOPA needs to start developing their plans well in advance and to discuss these with the head of their training programme and their postgraduate dean. They will also need to seek RCR approval by submitting the relevant e-portfolio form. All OOPA permission must be obtained prospectively. The GMC will not approve credit for any OOPA which has already commenced at the time of the application.
The GMC has established procedures for the approval of OOPR and OOPT, which need to be observed in order for a trainee to receive credit from the activity towards their CCT. The only exception to this is when the OOPT is for the purpose of a secondment to a GMC approved established training post within another UK training programme; the GMC's approval is not required but the need for deanery and College approval remains.
An application to the GMC for OOPR or OOPT approval must be made by the deanery. The GMC will not accept applications from trainees, their training supervisors or the RCR. Trainees who are considering OOPA from which they wish to obtain credit, therefore, need to liaise with their deanery/HEE and the College at an early stage in order that formal approval from the GMC may be obtained before the OOPR or OOPT begins. It is strongly recommended that the initial application to the RCR is made at least three months in advance of the OOPA starting - and preferably six months should be allowed. If prospective GMC approval is not obtained, the trainee cannot receive credit towards their CCT.
Out of Programme Activities FAQs
Trainees must submit their request for RCR approval of OOPA through the e-portfolio (see the e-portfolio user guides). This form will also be sent to your training programme director (TPD) for them to confirm their approval of your application for OOPA and cannot be agreed by the RCR without support from your TPD.
When completing the e-portfolio form, please ensure that you are explicit about the following information:
- For a fellowship post: a formal description of the post, including its title and location, and the exact dates when it is to be undertaken.
- For research: a formal description of the project, including its aims, purpose and method, the exact dates when it is to be undertaken, its location and a view from the head of the training programme about how much credit is considered appropriate on the basis of the extent to which the research will facilitate coverage of the specialist training curriculum.
- All applications should be supported by a weekly timetable giving details of any clinical commitments. This will govern the amount of credit awarded.
- For "acting up" as a consultant: the exact dates, location and name of the direct consultant supervisor
Once the RCR has made its decision, the trainee will receive a request through the e-portfolio to confirm their acceptance of the standard conditions relating to OOPA. Once the trainee submits the form it will be published to their e-portfolio timeline where it can be viewed by the trainee, TPD and deanery admins. Trainees can download a PDF copy of the approval form to send to their deanery/local office if required. This can be used in support of any application to the GMC. It is the responsibility of the deanery/local office to obtain GMC approval for any credit recommended by the RCR.
Once the GMC has made its decision it will advise this (by email) to the deanery/local office, and copy its response to "relevant stakeholders", which include the RCR. It is understood that deaneries/local offices will continue to require trainees to use their OOPR/T approval forms; the RCR will expect the trainee to upload a copy of the fully completed and signed form to their e-portfolio.
A trainee who wishes to undertake OOPE (ie an OOPA that does not contribute towards their CCT) must obtain specific permission for this from their deanery and their TPD. However, approval from the GMC is not required. The RCR should be notified of OOPE of this nature through submission of both the e-portfolio OOP approval form and a copy of the fully completed and signed deanery/HEE OOPE approval form, which must specifically state that no credit is to be received. The RCR will then revise the trainee's expected CCT date and notify this to the trainee and their TPD.
It is not possible to subsequently seek CCT credit for an OOPA that a trainee and their TPD and deanery/local office have agreed should be undertaken as OOPE.
When the duration of OOPR/T is extended, it may be appropriate to seek an additional credit award. This should be done in the same manner as if a new period of OOPR/T were to be undertaken. The GMC's approval needs to be obtained before the original duration of the OOPR/T concludes.
Trainees must inform the RCR at the earliest opportunity if there is any change to their OOPA plans and/or content. This includes advising if the OOPE/R/T is not to go ahead, if the start date, duration or location change, or if the content differs from that upon which the original credit award was made. In the latter case, the RCR can consider revision to the credit award, either upwards or downwards, and advise the GMC accordingly. Further modification, as appropriate, will be made to the trainee's expected CCT date where this may be affected and advised to the trainee and their TPD.
The RCR believes that OOPA can offer valuable opportunities for trainees. However, deaneries/local offices and training programmes are sometimes unable to support requests for OOPA; in any such circumstances, the RCR will not be able to intervene on the trainee's behalf.
It is imperative that trainees plan their OOPA well in advance and take personal responsibility for ensuring that the deanery and the RCR are fully informed of their plans (including notification when these do not go ahead). Trainees must also ensure that full and timely information is provided to the RCR and the deanery to ensure that the latter is in a position to apply to the GMC for prospective permission when this is required.
Should trainees or their trainers have any queries about the arrangements for approval of OOPA, the RCR training team would be pleased to assist.
Our specialty training
Learn more about how the College sets the standards and curriculum that lead to the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) and entry onto the GMC's Specialist Register.