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Details of RCR’s policies and privacy notices.

General policies

Travel and expenses policy

All pre-booked College activity is arranged through Altour who will contact you to arrange your travel. College staff will notify Altour of the details of the meeting and give them the email addresses of all attendees for this purpose.

Equality and diversity policy

The RCR is committed to a policy of valuing diversity and equality of opportunity across its activities.

Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests

The College endeavours to meet and maintain expected standards and processes for good governance.

Anti-bribery and corporate gifts policy: Trustees, Council, Board and Committee members

The Bribery Act 2010 created a new offence which can be committed by organisations which fail to prevent persons associated with them from bribing another person on their behalf.

RCR complaints procedure

The RCR provides services for and deals with a wide range of enquiries from doctors, trainees, patients, members of the public and others.

Sponsorship policy

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) seeks to build supportive long-term sponsorship relationships with commercial organisations and other partners in activities that deliver thework and fulfil the charitable objects of the College.

Support and endorsement policy

The RCR is occasionally asked by external organisations to endorse or support their documents or policies.

Policy for the use of the RCR name and logo by external parties

This describes the RCR’s policy for the use of its name and logo by external parties in order to protect its corporate identity.

About us

We are The Royal College of Radiologists – the leading professional membership body for clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists, supporting doctors throughout their career so that they can make a real difference.

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