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Clinical Oncology SAS Grade Adviser: role description

The Faculty of Clinical Oncology (CO) Staff and Associate Specialist (SAS) Grade Adviser (“the adviser”) advises on issues pertinent to SAS grade doctors practising in clinical Oncology and leads the Faculty’s work in representing those doctors and developing relevant support and resources for the membership.

Eligibility and terms of office

The adviser will be a Fellow or member of the College, who works as a career-grade SAS doctor, is resident in the United Kingdom and at the time of his or her application is in active clinical practice in the NHS and holds a current licence to practise.

The appointment will be for a period of three years, at which time the role will be reviewed, and the post-holder may be re-appointed for a further period of three years if appropriate and agreed.

Role description

The principal duties of the adviser will be to:

  •  Advise and represent the CO Faculty as to the position and views of SAS grade doctors
  • Suggest ways the RCR could improve its support for SAS grade doctors
  • Support SAS doctors with their issues and keep them informed of the new developments at the RCR through chairing the SAS professional network
  • Bring to the attention of CO Officers relevant guidance from external bodies relating to SAS grade doctors where the RCR should consider developing guidance or resources;
  • Liaise with RCR Heads of Service and Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Standing Committees where appropriate;
  • Chair the SAS professional network
  • Attend the Professional Support and Standards Board (PSSB) as an appointed member
  • Liaise with the clinical radiology SAS grade adviser and the CO Specialty Training Board as necessary
  • Work with College staff to ensure that the website contains relevant, useful and up-to-date information for SAS grade doctors;
  • Lead the development of RCR support and resources for SAS grade doctors as commissioned by the CO Faculty and Boards or Committees thereof, from time to time in support of the CO Faculty Strategy and the College Strategic objectives.

Experience and competencies

In order to fulfil this role the individual will be expected to demonstrate:

  • expertise, knowledge and understanding of SAS grade doctors in oncology.
  • experience in representing the views of a range of individuals.
  • excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the capacity to support and influence others.
  • current employment in a SAS grade role.

Time commitment

There is no specific time commitment for this role as the majority of the work will be undertaken as required and remotely.

Overall it is anticipated that the role will require an average of approximately one day per month. It is expected that the appointee will liaise closely with the Vice President, Clinical Oncology.

The adviser is appointed to the CO Professional Support and Standards Board (PSSB) and will be expected to have appropriate input into their meetings when matters relating to SAS grades are to be discussed. The PSSB meets three times a year, twice by virtual/remote means and once in-person, with update reports expected for other meetings. The adviser may also be invited to attend the CO Specialty Training Board (STB) if relevant issues are to be discussed. Much of the work the adviser does will be electronically and she/he is expected to contribute to such considerations or decisions as part of their duties.

There may be occasions when the adviser is asked to attend specific events, meetings or conferences on behalf of the Faculty e.g. with other stakeholders. Participation in such events will be discussed and agreed in advance with the Vice President, Clinical Oncology, via the Executive Officer, and will amount to no more than a few days per year.

Selection process

If you are interested in applying please email a short CV and brief statement outlining any experience that is relevant to the role and your reasons for applying to the Governance Assistant by 5pm on Friday 15 November 2024.

Applications will be ranked against the person specification by a selection panel comprising of the Medical Director, Professional Practice Clinical Oncology and the Vice-President, Clinical Oncology. It is not anticipated that it will be necessary to hold interviews.

We reserve the right to close this position at short notice, therefore please submit your application as early as possible.

Operation in the role

Should the adviser recommend that any activity such as conducting a survey or endorsing work produced by others would be appropriate, this should first be discussed with the Executive Officer as such work will need to be agreed, usually by CO Officers, in advance and delivered via other College procedures. No budget is allocated specifically to the adviser's activities.

It is envisaged that the adviser's network of individuals with knowledge and experience in SAS grade roles will provide support and expertise to assist him/her as needed.

The adviser will not express any opinion or make any statement publicly or to the media that is held out to be a view from the College without first consulting and agreeing the approach with the Vice President, Clinical Oncology.

This is a voluntary role. The RCR will meet the travel expenses incurred by the adviser in travelling to the RCR and other events, in accordance with the College travel and expenses policy.


The adviser will from time to time be provided with documents at various stages of development prior to their formal approval and publication, which are to be kept confidential. The adviser shall not disclose any confidential information to an outside person or organisation.

The adviser shall comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the RCR's policies and procedures for data protection as regards processing and disclosure of any personal data that is made available to them as part of their work for the RCR

Copyright and intellectual property

The RCR will hold the intellectual property and copyright of any documents or publications produced by the individual in their capacity as the Faculty's adviser. The adviser will be deemed to have assigned these rights to the RCR for all works produced during their tenure.