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Terms & conditions for event bookings


These terms and conditions (T&Cs) apply to learning events organised and administered by the Royal College of Radiologists, as advertised on our website. Booking a place at an RCR event constitutes your acceptance of these T&Cs and your agreement to comply with them. Please note that we may change these terms from time to time without notice, particularly during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, where regulations and guidance are subject to change at short notice. A record of any changes to our T&Cs is kept by the RCR and available upon request. Event attendees accept our T&Cs at the point of booking, and this contract is honoured regardless of whether the T&Cs have changed since the booking was made.

Please note that these T&Cs do not apply to:

  • RCR partnership events, where the partner manages the booking process on their website or via a third-party site; delegates will need to liaise directly with the partner regarding their T&Cs.
  • Events organised by external organisations which are advertised on the RCR website; delegates will need to liaise directly with the individual event organiser regarding their T&Cs. 

Definitions In these terms and conditions unless inconsistent with the context or otherwise specified the following definitions will apply:

i. “RCR” The Royal College of Radiologists

ii. “events” Educational meetings, conferences and webinars organised and administered solely by RCR, attended in person or remotely

iii. “working days” The days on which the College is open for business, usually Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm.  Public holidays are excluded, as are periods when the building is closed, such as the period between Christmas and New Year, as notified on the College website.

1. Registration

1.1. All events require advance registration. Bookings are either taken directly through the RCR website or through one of the following third-party providers: Zoom or ID Loom.

1.2. Some events are tailored to individuals in a certain role or with particular experience. If this is the case, clear eligibility criteria will be displayed on the event webpage. Please ensure you read this carefully and meet all requirements before registering. We regret that delegates not meeting the eligibility criteria will not be permitted to register or attend the event. 

1.3. Some courses and events involve an application process. Applications will be assessed by expert panels and will be accepted or rejected based on their evaluation. We regret that feedback cannot be given to unsuccessful applicants. Details about our application processes can be found on individual event webpages. 

1.4. Some courses and events are promoted ahead of bookings opening. Those interested in finding out more about these activities can express interest via email to [email protected]. Please note that expressions of interest (EOI) do not guarantee a place at an event. When bookings open, the Learning Team will contact those on the EOI waitlist; places will be available to book on a first come, first served basis.

1.5. The costs payable for attending events are as set out on RCR website and on meeting programmes for individual events. These include concession rates for RCR Fellows and members and other groups. Proof of eligibility may be requested at any time. Failure to provide proof will result in the delegate being charged the standard rate for the event.

1.6. Very occasionally, accommodation and travel between the hotel and the event venue are included in the ticket price. Where provided, these elements will be included in the costs payable.

1.7. Payments can be made:

  • using a debit or credit card; cards will be processed by the financial services company Sage.
  • by invoice. We only raise invoices for places on our events if an organisation is making a booking on behalf of a delegate.

1.8. RCR must receive payment of the whole of the registration fee (where applicable) before a booking for an event can be confirmed. Once payment has been received, RCR will confirm the booking by sending an email to you at the email address provided by you at the point of booking; acceptance of a booking brings into existence a legally binding contract. If the College does not receive a booking, or does not confirm a booking, the contract is not established. All communications relating to the contract must be as set out in paragraph 9 below.

1.9. If you are booking on behalf of a delegate, you accept these T&Cs on their behalf.

1.10. Unless specified, RCR events are suitable for age 18 and above; we regret that we are unable to accept bookings from under 18s.  

1.11. If an event is fully booked, please refer to the individual event webpage for details about whether a wait list is available. Where available, tickets will be allocated to those on the wait list in the order that people joined, with notification sent via email.

2. Cancellation and transfer policy 

2.1. You may cancel your contract with RCR or transfer your contract to another event, in accordance with the following conditions:

a) You must notify RCR in writing, by email. A proof of confirmation of booking (confirmatory email or letter from RCR) must be provided with the request. b) Delegates wishing to cancel or transfer a place on an event where a fee is charged:

More than 10 working days before an event, delegates will be entitled to:

  • transfer their fee to another meeting within 12 months.
  • transfer their ticket type (i.e., from an in-person ticket to an online ticket), where applicable and where space is available
  • receive a refund minus a £25 administration fee.

For transfers: if the registration price between the transferred event or transferred ticket type differs, the delegate must pay the difference if the price is greater. The RCR will refund the difference if the amount is less.

Less than and including 10 working days before an event: No transfer or refund permitted.

c)  The only exceptions to the above are:

  • if an event is a sell-out. If the cancelled place can be re-sold to another delegate before the event, a refund minus the £25 administration fee will be given.
  • if a delegate requests to transfer their ticket type (i.e., from an in-person ticket to an online ticket, where applicable) at the same event with less than 10 working days’ notice. This will be at the discretion of the College, and their decision will be guided by factors such as whether there is space available and the administration time required. If the registration price between the ticket types differs, the delegate must pay the difference if the price is greater. If the price is lower, the RCR will not refund the difference with less than 10 working days’ notice.
  • if a delegate requests to transfer their ticket to a colleague at the same event with less than 10 working days' notice. As above, this will be at the discretion of the College. Where agreed, this transfer will be made without an administration charge

d) Any dispute regarding refunds will be escalated to the Learning Operations Manager in the first instance, if the dispute is not resolved it will be escalated to the Medical Director, Membership and Business, to make a final decision.

2.2. Refunds will be made using the original payment method as soon as possible and within 30 days of acceptance of the cancellation.

3. Cancellation by RCR

3.1. RCR reserves the right to cancel the contract if:

a)   the event you have booked a place on is cancelled by RCR or a third party;

b)   exceptionally, RCR does not have an available place at the event.

3.2. If RCR cancels your contract, RCR will notify you by email or letter as soon as possible. Where such situations arise, full refunds will be issued for events where a fee is charged. Refunds will be made using the original payment method as soon as possible and within 30 days of the cancellation. RCR will not be obliged to offer you any compensation for expenses incurred by you or inconvenience caused to you as a result of the cancellation.

4. Attending an event

By booking a place at an RCR event, you accept that: 4.1. Location: Events are held in London, across the UK, overseas or online. It is your responsibility to check the venue, as detailed on the website, in your booking confirmation email and in the reminder emails you receive, ahead of the event.

4.2. Accessibility and dietary requirements: We are committed to delivering events that are accessible and inclusive to the widest possible audience.

  • Attendees will be asked to detail their accessibility and inclusion requirements at the booking stage. We ask where possible that attendees pass on their accessibility and inclusion requirements at least two weeks ahead of the event they wish to attend. For requests submitted with less than 10 working days’ notice, we will consider the feasibility of the adjustment you have requested. If we can’t accommodate your request, we will discuss alternatives with you and try our hardest to ensure your participation in the event. We always endeavour where possible to provide the adjustments people have requested, regardless of the notice period given. 
  • Dietary requirements (where applicable) will also be asked for at the registration stage. Every effort will be made to cater for dietary requirements, when requested at least 10 working days before the event. Requests and changes after this time cannot be guaranteed. Dietary requirements given by delegates will be passed onto the venue and catering services, however we cannot guarantee food will be prepared in an allergen free environment.
  • If you require any further information, extra assistance or specialist facilities please contact the Learning Team by emailing [email protected] or calling 020 7406 5942.

4.3. COVID-19: RCR events are staged in line with the government’s COVID-19 guidelines. The wearing of facemasks is optional. Please be aware of those around you and be mindful that some attendees may be maintaining a degree of social distancing, especially in busier areas. 

4.4. Registration: Checking in and out of an event is mandatory to ensure you receive the correct CPD accreditation and for health and safety purposes. Registration for in-person events will be within 30 minutes of the event start time. Online events will open at the advertised start time. If you click the event link before this time you will be held in a waiting room and admitted automatically when the event begins. Online attendees should log in using the same email address they used to register and under their name rather than a nickname or abbreviation, to ensure their attendance is recorded.

4.5. Content: We reserve the right to make changes to our events due to unforeseen circumstances. This includes changes to dates, times, speakers, content and the programme. Where possible, attendees will be notified about such changes ahead of the event. The RCR will not be held liable for any changes made to the advertised event.

4.6. Delegate materials: Delegate materials vary per course and might include electronic learning modules and further reading. These will be shared with delegates via email or will be uploaded to the RCR’s Learning Hub. Speaker presentations are rarely shared, but a recording of most events (subject to the permission of our speakers) may be made available on the Learning Hub for up to three months post event. See clause 4.11 below for further information.

A delegate list is prepared for most events. By signing up to attend an RCR event you consent to your name, job title and organisation being added to the delegate list. This is shared with other delegates, speakers, partners, sponsors, elected officers, clinical content leads and the event venue.

If you do not wish to appear on the delegate list please contact the Learning Team at [email protected] and we will remove your name from the list. For security reasons and for event delivery purposes we may still need to provide your name, dietary or access requirements to the event venue. 

4.7. Right to refuse entrance: The RCR reserves the right to:

  • refuse the use of any form of audio or visual equipment for filming or live streaming without official sign off. If found in breach of this clause, we reserve the right to remove you from the event with no refund.
  • conduct security searches to ensure the safety of delegates.
  • refuse admission or expel any person if we deem your behaviour to be unacceptable. Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to, bullying or harassing speakers, attendees, and staff; acting aggressively and/or appearing to be under the influence of drink or drugs; causing damage to the venue or the online event infrastructure. If found in breach of this clause, we reserve the right to remove you from the event with no refund.

4.8. Speakers views: All speakers who contribute to our programmes represent their own views and do not necessarily represent the views of the RCR.

4.9. Photography and filming: You may be photographed, filmed, livestreamed and sound recorded at RCR events. Audience members grant the RCR the right to use photographs and recordings of any type made of their attendance in any and all media, and by means of publicity and promotion relating to the RCR. Delegates who do not wish to be photographed or filmed should make themselves known to event staff at the beginning of the event or ahead of the event (to [email protected]).

  • At in-person events, our camera(s) will be directed towards our speakers, however some sections of the audience will be in shot, and those who ask a question will be recorded. Those not wishing to be included in the footage will be asked to notify staff on the day. Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
  • Where photography of audience members will take place, clear signage will be displayed at the event. Those not wishing to be included in any footage will be asked to notify staff on the day.
  • For online events staged on Zoom Webinar, only speakers will be video recorded. Attendees should however note that if they ask a question via the Zoom Webinar Q&A tab, then their contribution might be included in the event recording (your name and question – as read out by the speaker or chair – may be included). You can ask a question anonymously via the Q&A tab on Zoom Webinar if you would prefer not to share your name.
  • For online events staged on Zoom, speakers and attendees with their cameras on will be video recorded. Attendees should also note that if they ask a question (either in writing or verbally), then their contribution might be included in the event recording. If you raise your hand and are invited to ask a question by the event chair, you will be video recorded. If you submit a question via the chat tab, your name and question – as read out by an event chair – will be included. 

4.10. 5km runs: At some events a 5km run may form part of the programme. These runs are led by a faculty member or doctor attending the event and they take place in the area around the event venue in the morning before registration begins. Participation is optional. Those who opt to take part declare that they are medically fit to run and are taking part entirely at their own risk. Runners understand that the RCR and the doctor leading the run will in no way be responsible for any injury or illness incurred during or as a result of the activity, or any property lost, stolen or damaged. 

4.11. Event recordings: Many of our events are video recorded, subject to the permission of our speakers. Recordings of events where a fee was charged will only be made available on the RCR’s Learning Hub to those who attended the course, with free access granted for up to three months post-event. Older content (from events that took place over three months ago) may be re-sold on the hub on a pay-per-view basis. Recordings of free events will be made available to view for free for Fellows and members; some recordings will be available to non-members too. Please contact the Learning Team for details about which of our forthcoming events will be recorded and which past events are available to view (or pay-per-view) on the Learning Hub ([email protected]). Event content belongs to the RCR and must not be copied, displayed, or used without permission from the College.

4.12. If you are attending the event as a representative of a privately owned company without a sponsorship or exhibition contract with the Royal College of Radiologists, you are not permitted to solicit business from delegates in any part of the event, including the exhibition space. 

This includes the wearing of branded company clothing, handing out promotional items, distributing promotional items and utilising other company’s spaces in the exhibition space. If delegates are found to be taking part in the above, they will be ejected from the event and not permitted re-entry. 

4.13. Delegates are required to wear appropriate attire for a medical conference. Shorts are not permitted. Those dressed inappropriately will be asked to change.

5. Terms specific to online events and courses

The College runs a variety of online events and courses. The delivery of these events have additional terms and conditions as outlined below.

5.1. Platform: Our online events are delivered using the Zoom Webinar, Zoom or CrowdComms platforms unless otherwise stated. A link to join or view the event will be sent to you in your booking confirmation email and event reminder emails. Delegates need to have a CrowdComms account to join events staged on CrowdComms; details about how to create a free account will be sent to delegates ahead of events staged on CrowdComms. Delegates do not need to have a Zoom account to join events staged on Zoom. 

5.2. Log in: Attendees should log in using the email address they used to register and under their name, rather than a nickname or abbreviation, to ensure their attendance is recorded.

5.3.Technical difficulties: Before booking a place, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the required equipment, software and sufficient network access to take part in the online event. Where possible, we suggest joining online events on a computer rather than a tablet or a phone.

If you experience difficulties joining, or during, an online event – i.e., if your video or sound is patchy or breaking up, we suggest closing any other programmes or apps using the internet on your PC, mobile or tablet. Try turning the Wi-Fi off on other devices (for example your phone or other computers or tablets), and if possible, move closer to the Wi-Fi router. You should also try leaving the platform and returning.  If your problem persists, please contact the Learning Team ([email protected]) or call 020 7406 5942. It is acknowledged that it may not be possible to solve all issues as these can be based on the participant’s equipment, software and quality of their network access/provision. If it is an individual technical issue the College accepts no liability, and no refund will be available.

Although the equipment and connections for our chairs/speakers are tested for sufficient functionality ahead of every event, the RCR cannot be responsible for equipment, software and network issues affecting the speakers/chairs during the live event. Should the event not be able to go ahead as a result of technological issues, we will try to reschedule the event for another day; delegates will be notified via email regarding whether this is possible and transferred to the new date. If delegates are unable to attend a re-scheduled event, then we will offer you the option to transfer to an alternative event or receive a full refund of the registration fee without an administration charge. If the option to transfer to another event is chosen, the normal transfer rules will apply, outlined in section 2. If we are unable to re-schedule the event and delegates have paid for their place a refund will be issued in line with the cancellation policy outlined in section 2.

5.3. Audio and video: At events staged on Zoom, videos should be turned off where requested and microphones should be muted, unless attendees are invited to speak by the chair. Attendees should not take pictures or record speakers and/or attendees without their permission.

5.4. Zoom updates: Zoom regularly provides updates to release new features and fix bugs. It is recommended that you ensure your Zoom app is up to date to avoid any technical issues. Please visit Zoom for instructions on how to check for the latest updates.

6. Post event information

6.1. Evaluation: After most events, attendees will receive an evaluation survey via email. We collect anonymous feedback from event attendees to measure how we are meeting our objectives. Feedback is collated as statistical data, with headline statistics about the event (supplemented by anonymous comments from attendees about the course and the speakers as added in the survey comment box) shared with partners, elected officers, clinical content leads and sponsors. Please note that anonymous attendee comments added in the survey comment box may be used in RCR promotional activity. Information is held on the RCR’s systems, SurveyMonkey or Zoom.

6.2. CPD: The vast majority of our events are CPD accredited. Please see each event webpage for the number of credits available. At in-person events, if delegates fail to check in at the registration desk to register for each day of the event there will be no obligation to issue a CPD certificate. Online attendees should log in using the email address they used to register and under their name, rather than a nickname or abbreviation, to ensure their attendance is recorded. Certificates will be issued within 10 working days of an event taking place.

7. Copyright of educational resources

Copyright of RCR’s learning resources belongs to the RCR. None of the material contained in RCR’s live and recorded online events and courses may be reproduced or redistributed without the RCR’s written permission. You may not sell, redistribute, reproduce or convert any of the material. RCR owns all trademarks and logos and you may not copy or use them in any manner.

8. Event sponsors

Sponsors and exhibitors at our events support the commercial aspects of the event and join us for the benefit of our Fellows, members and delegates. The inclusion of third-party adverts and sponsors does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, warranty, or recommendation by us and we make no representations or warranties about any product or service contained therein. Our sponsors have access to a list of delegates (delegates names, job titles and organisation) for the event they sponsor and we also share anonymous evaluation data with them. Delegate contact details are never shared without your consent. Please refer to our Sponsorship Policy for details about how the RCR works with sponsors.

9. Liability

9.1. Save as precluded by law, RCR will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss, damage or expenses (including loss of profits, business or goodwill) howsoever arising out of any problem you notify to RCR under this condition, and RCR shall have no liability to pay any money to you by way of compensation other than to refund to you the amount paid by you to book a place at the event in question.

9.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit any rights you might have as a consumer under applicable English law or other statutory rights that may not be excluded nor in any way to exclude or limit RCR liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from RCR negligence.

9.3. As per clause 4.10, those who opt to take part in any 5km runs organised as part of an RCR event programme declare that they are medically fit to run and are taking part entirely at their own risk. Runners understand that the RCR and the doctor leading the run will in no way be responsible for any injury or illness incurred during or as a result of the activity, or any property lost, stolen or damaged. 

10. Communication and notices

Unless otherwise expressly stated in these terms and conditions, all notices from you to RCR must be in writing and sent by email to [email protected]

11. Circumstances beyond the control of RCR        

11.1. RCR shall have no liability to you for any failure to organise an event at which you have booked a place, or any delay in doing so, or for any problems with events organised that are caused by any incident or circumstance beyond our reasonable control including, without limitation, strikes, lock-outs and other industrial disputes, breakdown of systems or network access, flood, fire, explosion, accident or pandemic.

11.2. RCR takes every reasonable step to ensure that payments made online are secure and are not subject to fraud during processing by RCR. All credit card numbers are encrypted through a secure server before transmission over the internet.

12. Invalidity 

If any part of these terms and conditions is unenforceable (including any provision in which RCR excludes liability to you) the enforceability of any other part of these conditions will not be affected. 

13. Privacy

You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of the RCR Privacy Policy.

14. Third party rights      

Except for RCR trustees, elected officers, employees or representatives, a person who is not a party to this agreement has no right under the UK Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available apart from that Act.

15. Governing law         

The contract between you and RCR shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law and the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any disputes between you and RCR.

16. Entire agreement     

These terms and conditions, together with current RCR event prices, contact details and privacy policy, set out the whole of the agreement relating to the provision of the place at an event to you by RCR. Nothing said by any person on behalf of RCR should be understood as a variation of these terms and conditions or as an authorised representation about the nature or quality of any events offered for booking by RCR. Save for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, RCR shall have no liability for any such representation being untrue or misleading.

Updated March 2022

See more on event guidance

For further information on our events and webinars, please refer to this guidance.

Event guidance