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Past RadReach events


Leadership Development Day

We were pleased to welcome mentors and mentees to our inaugural in-person leadership development workshop on 17 February 2023.

Following an introduction by Dr Anu Obaro, delegates spent time understanding their personal leadership preferences and styles. We were then joined by two of our RadReach ambassadors - Professor Amaka Offiah and Professor Geraldine McGinty – who shared their leadership journeys and words of advice.

We were fortunate to also hear the lived experiences of RCR officers Dr Nicky Thorp, Medical Director Professional Practice for Clinical Oncology, and Dr Priya Suresh, Medical Director Education and Training for Clinical Radiology. Finally, delegates engaged in a practical ‘flash’ peer mentoring session, facilitated by independent coach Alexis Hutson.

Read our blog to find out the key take-aways from the day.

Professor Geraldine McGinty's talk is available to watch back below.

Interview skills practice webinar

RadReach and IR Juniors held a joint interactive interview skills practice webinar on 26 January 2023.

We were delighted to be joined by over 50 attendees! The purpose of this event was to provide real life insight and experience into the interview process. We had exciting talks from the RCR Medical Director of Education and Training, Clinical Radiology Dr Priya Suresh, who not only gave great advice and helpful tips about interview techniques but also spoke about her own journey and the importance of a good work-life balance. Dr Niall Burke current ST1 radiology in Edinburgh discussed practical skills and gave helpful insights into navigating the interview process, and a number of radiology trainees helped facilitate interview practice sessions in small breakout groups. A great evening was had by all.

Applying to Radiology and Oncology: A Walkthrough

Are you interested in radiology or oncology? Do you want to know more about the application process and hear first-hand insights from trainees and consultants? Look no further! In our highly anticipated inaugural webinar you will have the opportunity to hear directly from CR and CO trainees, Dr Rahul Khamar and Dr Leroy Okonta, who have already navigated the application process!  They'll share everything from what made them apply to the specialties to how they optimised their portfolios. In addition to their inspirational stories, you’ll also hear from RCR representatives about how you can get involved with the college. We hope you feel inspired and encouraged as you navigate what could be the first step in the next stage of your career. 

This event took place online on 2 December 2021. Please find the recording below.

Find out more about RadReach

Dr Jade Scott-Blagrove
Dr Nelo Gafoor

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