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The Dr John Spencer Award

Applications are currently closed.

Following his death in 2015, Dr John Spencer's will generously included an endowment to the RCR. The Dr John Spencer Award is an annual travelling bursary that encourages clinical radiology trainees to present a poster or paper at the RSNA annual meeting.


Two bursaries of £500 are available.


The award is open to clinical radiology trainees who hold a substantive training post in the UK.  

How to apply

To apply, please submit:

  •  A completed application form
  • The abstract submitted to RSNA 
  • Communication from the RSNA confirming acceptance of the paper or poster.  

Bursaries will be awarded in a 'lottery-style' selection procedure. Applicants will be notified of the outcome shortly after the closing date. Successful applicants will be asked to submit a brief report after the RSNA meeting. 

All enquiries and application forms should be sent to  

Find out about all our awards for educational travel

Awards for educational travel