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Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations

Guidance for compiling training records for clinical oncologists
Date: 2023

The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IR(ME)R) require the employer to keep training records for all practitioners and operators, and make these available at inspection. Clinical oncologists may be entitled to act as operators, referrers and practitioners.

Clinical oncologists must have a clearly defined scope of practice and need training records to support their roles as operators and practitioners. While not explicitly required under IR(ME)R, it is considered best practice for referrers to complete some form of local process-awareness training – that is, in making, amending and cancelling referrals.

Training records should be linked to the individual’s scope of practice for which they are entitled. Training records should focus on those elements not included in their professional qualification and on local procedures, equipment and techniques.

Training should be viewed as continuous. Records used to  demonstrate continuing professional development (CPD) are likely to include evidence of local training, records of attendance at external
learning events, additional qualifications, peer review, mentorship and self-directed learning.